"Real Housewives" show franchise comes to Vancouver
February 29, 2012
The first season of "The Real Housewives of Vancouver" is set to air in Canada on April 4. The original show that took place in Orange County, California, began in 2006, and has since spawned ten other installments of the show. Vancouver is the latest location where the lives of five fictional women - Christina, Mary, Reiko, Ronnie and Jody - will be exposed to rapt audiences across the nation.
"'The Real Housewives of Vancouver' is packed with all the juiciest story lines, drama, power, wealth and glamour that viewers love about the huge, international hit franchise," said Barbara Williams, senior vice president of content for Shaw Media, the production company behind the show. "Every episode will leave people wanting more. There's an insatiable appetite for the 'Housewives' series and we are thrilled to launch the first ever Canadian edition."
Those who will be working or studying outside the country can find out what happens during the two-hour premiere by calling Canada to find out from their friends what drama ensues.
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