German thieves make off with five tons of Nutella
April 9, 2013
Bringing new meaning to the term "sticky fingers," thieves made off with seven pallets loaded with jars of Nutella from a truck trailer parked north of the German city Fulda some time between the afternoon of April 5 and evening of April 7.
All in all, thieves made off with a over five tons of the chocolate and hazelnut spread, worth approximately $20,000, reports the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC).
Germany authorities attribute the theft to an unknown number of professional thieves who have been stealing bulk foodstuffs in the area for some time.
Red Bull, an energy drink, was reportedly the first item it go missing en masse: 34,000 cans of it were stolen from a truck trailer in Niederaula in August 2012. The cans were meant for delivery in the United States and were valued at about $47,000 according to CNN.
Apparently still under caffeinated, the Red Bull heist was followed by the theft of 10 palettes of Eduscho brand German coffee, which were stolen from a truck trailer, and were valued at $39,000.
Why exactly such quantities of food are being stolen remains unknown to authorities, though Hessian police spokesman Manfred Knoch did affirm that it appears as though someone is preparing for a particularly enormous breakfast.
Those who think they have an idea as to what possible use anyone could have for five tons of Nutella can pick up an international calling card and discuss their theory of the crime with friends and family all over the world.